ENERGY: 不在乎有沒有以後
a picture speaks a thousand words =D

though i didnt go and see LOLLIPOP at the end of the day,
i guess that there is no point regretting and all,
though i really want to say sorry to QIUSHENGYI!!! =x

i almost died when i saw this!!

i seriously want to just kill myself!! ='[
i dont have the mood to start studying now!!!

又錯過了與你的約定 對不起真的不是故意~

i guess only pearlx will understand what i say,
after she told me what happened to her on stage!!! =[
should i have know that they signed so fast, i die also will go!!!

i shall end of with four lines from one of my favourite ENERGY songs!

不在乎有沒有以後 愛你是活著的理由
緊緊的抱住跟你有關的一切 包括想著你的心痛
我們還有沒有以後 牽著手幸福的以後
在妳的心中千萬記得還有我 永遠守著我的承諾在等候


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germx- 8:32 PM
2 wanted to be a famous guy!