eversince i saw the trailer of this movie last month, i had been looking forward to watching cape no.7 on big screen!! and i was rather excited when pearlx told me that she's gotten tickets to the premiere!!! THANKS LOADS GIRL!! =D

i felt that the way this movie was filmed was a little different from what we expect a 国片 to be. it's just different!! i actually liked the way they switched between the past and the present!! the way they injected the japanese OS was rather soothing and i like the feeling! BUT, i kind of dont understand why EVERYONE knows how to speak/read JAPANESE in the movie! i totally went -.- when the old man spoke. there was just too many question marks in my head!! =X but i still like this movie the way it is!!

the music director ought to be given some recognition as i felt that the 配乐for this movie is good! i like the three songs that they sang including the background music!! maybe it's the relaxed feeling that made me fell in love with the ost ba! the 大海 feel....=]

and i was contemplating on getting the special edition version of cape no.7 ost! there are like so many things inside that are worth keeping can! that includes the letter to tomoyo, postcards and letter pad! but on considering the money factor, i shall think about it!! =X

i shall attempt to continue studying before my so exciting weekend begins!! =D but before that, i have to start writing my letters...=X i'm so glad that ive completed my boards le!! [pearlx gonna whack me soon..*hides*]

qiushengyi and zhangshuwei here i come! =]

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germx- 1:16 AM
3 wanted to be a famous guy!