
for that 2 hours spent at LUNAR,
the roller coaster ride of emotions that I've experienced during the past 2 weeks was seriously worth it!!
and i really mean WORTH IT!! >.<


starting the day with a mere short 3h nap,
i met pearlx and we headed to the airport!!
though it's like a LOOOOONG train ride,
we two just seemed to be talking endlessly,
especially with regards to the writing of the letters in TRADITIONAL CHINESE!!
i really hate words like 學, 裏, 壓, 藝, 慶 and many more! -.-
it's seriously @#$@%&*@^% can!! >.<
to think that i wrote SIX letters, filling up each of them with my small words!!
(and by SMALL, i really mean 0.5cm/word kind of a size! )
anyway, when we reached the airport, the flight had already landed can!
pearlx and myself just rushed to the arrival hall there.
HOWEVER, the main point was that we waited for another hour efore they came out!
but oh well, there are funny things to amuse ourselves, like this:

this is SUPER FUNNY can!!
pearlx and i just cant stop laughing!! -.-

but the exciting part came when someone shouted!! >.<
the first person i saw was 邱勝翊!!!
he is so FREAKING CUTE!!! =P
then the next thing i knew,
威廉was waving like a RETARD!!
i was in a o.0 state when 廖俊傑 joined 威廉 in the act!!
at that moment, i was totally -_____-"" !! =X
and and, ANDY哥 is like quite short as compared to the rest!!
but the fact remains that he really looks like 小煜!!
after collecting their baggage, which was like FOUR trolleys of stuff,
they walked out and oh my, they were like THIS CLOSE TO ME!! >.<
i totally didnt know what i was doing can!! =/
and before i knew it, they boarded the van le!!

pearlx and i were super lazy to take the mrt,
so we directly cabbed to CENTRAL!!
it was only on the cab that i realised the LOLLIPOP that i made broke!! =[

what's left of my LOLLIPOP! =[

anyway, i was looking at the video i took when 六小棒 walked out of the arrival hall,
when i saw that SPECIAL MOMENT in my digital camera!! >.<
邱勝翊 was pointing directly to my BOARD!!!
and the next moment was more classic,
cause he did a 'V' sign and SMILED!!
(and at the area, i was the ONLY ONE with a 邱勝翊 board!! =P)
when i saw that video in SLOW MOTION,
i was SURPRISED beyond words!!

had YAKUN kaya toast and ICED milktea while listening to 六小棒 interview on yes93.3.
we were totally laughing at what they were saying can!! =]
afterwhich we met ASH and headed to LUNAR!!
i was seriously shocked when i saw the crowd there!!
in addition, we did not even know where to go cause my ticket collection was at 1430 while pearlx's at 1500!!
but oh well, the bottom line was that we went in successfully!! =]


initially, i was standing at the side and i was super sian diao!!
the reason was cause i cannot even see anything!! =/
then i decided to move to the centre, behind the VIPs!!
OH MY!! i was just standing behind these two SUPER SHUAI security guards only,
but guess what they asked me!!
"you want to stand in front of me??"
as a result, i was in the FIRST row behind the VIPs!! >.<

while waiting, a lot of stuff happened!!
i was interviewed by CHANNEL V!! >.<>

帅帅的六小棒!! =]

they performed my favourite song in the album, 哪里怕first!!
followed by 梦想巴士and夏日初体验!!
and i can say that they really sing LIVE!! >.<
there's something i really need to say!!
just love to see them dancing right in front of me!! =]

then the autograph session started!!
10minutes before i went up,
there was this long break between the fans and so coincidentally,
the break was right in front of 邱勝翊!!
thus i was showing him my board and waving to him!!
now, i just want to EMPHASIZE what i was holding with my hands when i went up to stage!!
my邱勝翊board, LUNAR's admission tix, 哪里怕改版,闪耀小巨蛋DVD, THREE posters and my六小棒's letters!!
then it was ASH's and my turn!!

at the stairs, while walking up to the stage,
i talked to ANDY哥!!
germx: HELLO ANDY哥!!!
ANDY哥: HELLO, 你好! 你做王子的板喔? (points to my board)
germx: 对呀!
ANDY哥: 很好看喔! 很少人会像你一样写'翊'的!
germx: 真的吗? 谢谢你!
and because i was so happy,
germx: 可以握你的手吗?
ANDY哥: 可以呀! (shakes my hand and SMILE)

and this was when pearlx shouted out my name!! HAHAHA!!

then i proceeded up to stage to see my beloved 六小棒!! =]

廖俊傑was first!!
i was frantically finding his letter can!!
and when i passed it to him,
i felt so LOVED!! >.<
廖俊傑:(receives the letter) 谢谢你喔! 你拿那么多东西要小心一点喔! (SMILEX)
germx: 我一定会的! (we played the DUMB hand game before i successfully shaked his hand la! >.<)

and when the 工作人员 asked him whether he want them to keep the letter for him.
he said:" 不用了! 放在桌子蛮好看的嘛!"
廖俊傑 is so nice!!! >.<

小煜 was up next!!
OH MY, his eyes 超会放电的!!
小煜: (receives the letter) 谢谢你了!
germx: 小煜,我超喜欢 MAKE ME A FOOL 的! 你真的很厉害!
小煜: 真的吗! 我会继续创作的! 你要快歌还是慢歌? (offers his hand)
germx: 你写的都okay!! (shakes his hand)
then 小煜 smile until his eyes become a slit can!! >.<
so very the CUTE!!

third on the list was 邱勝翊!!!!
his complexion is like SOOO GOOOOD can!!
(i'm like super jealous now la!! >.<)
germx: 这是给你的! 要睡多一点喔! (hands him the letter)
邱勝翊: 谢谢你喔! (receives letter, put on his seat and continued signing!)
after he sign finish, he looked up and points to my board!
邱勝翊: 你做我的板耶!
germx: (looked at my own board which was not even in the RIGHT direction! >.<) 对呀!
邱勝翊: 我超喜欢你的板! (smiled and offers his hand!)
germx: 真的吗? (shaked his hand VERY HAPPILY, but realised the person behind me had a super BLACK FACE >.<)
邱勝翊: 真的!刚刚XXXXXX看到喔!
and you know what, i didnt hear what the XXXXXX was cause the person behind totally DIAO me!! =/
(but i prefer to believe that the XXXXXX is the airport!! >.<>
anyway, the girl behind has received her KARMA can!!
邱勝翊 didnt even talk to her nor shake her hand!!! LOL!!

阿纬 was number FOUR!
germx: 你真的很像牛奶! (hands him the letter)
阿纬: 又来了! 但谢谢你! (receives the letter, offers his hand)
germx: 我很喜欢你的大风车呢! (shakes his hand)
阿纬: 哈哈! 那我下一次来一定表演!

then 可爱的敖犬!!
germx: 我很喜欢你混的音! 特别是那个超级赛亚人! 真的很厉害! (hands him the letter)
敖犬: 哈哈! 谢谢你了! 我会再接再厉的! (receives letter and offers his hand)
germx: (shakes his hand) 我会期待的!
then he did some stupid face!! >.<

威廉 was the last!! =]
he is like in a constant daze state of mind!! =/
germx: 我很喜欢你的怪tempo! (hands him the letter)
威廉: (thinks for a while) 真的吗? 你是第一个这样说的人! (smilex) 你写给我的信吗? (takes the letter)
oh my, at this point, i was in SHOCK!! 0.o
he took like almost 10 seconds to realise that i was handing him a letter!! =/
威廉: 谢谢你喔! (grabs my hand and smile very retardedly!!)
he is like so FUNNY can!! >.<

however, at this point, i was actually thinking of 邱勝翊's last sentence,
because i didnt hear it clearly!!
and i was SO HAPPY that he liked my board that i called pearlx immediately when i walked out of LUNAR!!
but pearlx didnt answer la!! -.-
anyway, on thinking, 敖犬and小煜 gave my letter to the 工作人员 almost immediately!!
but 邱勝翊and廖俊傑 kept my letter!!! =P

and i really cant forget the moment when 邱勝翊 said, "我超喜欢你的板!"
it just goes to show that my time spent on writing his '翊' is worth it!!
but irritatingly, i also cant forget someone who keeps taking/hugging my board!!#%#%^
ASH, dont tell them arh!! >.<

pearlx and me with our boards!! <3

i've got to really thank pearlx for SPAZZING with me till 3/4am like almost everyday for the past 2 weeks!!
and her prompt response to all my CAN questions! HAHAHA!! <3
ASH!! i really dont know how to thank you, especially for even coming and stuff!!!
but i really appreciate it girl!!!
will send you the pictures soon!! =]

what i brought home at the end of the day!! =]

on a side note, i saw yeele there also!!>.<

just love 邱勝翊to bits!! <3

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germx- 10:46 PM
4 wanted to be a famous guy!